There are definitely some keepers!  Now I just have to figure out which ones I want to use on our STD's!!  Ahhhh!!

Click here to see my favorites :)
Yesterday we made the trip to NYC to take our engagement pictures.  We weren't sure if the rain was going to hold up, and even changed our plans to take pictures in local spots for a brief time.  I'm SO happy we ended up going with our original plans though and cannot wait to see the final images!

We took pictures on the Staten Island Ferry, outside at Battery Park, in the subway (both in the train and at the train station at 42nd street), in Central Park, and one picture in FAO Schwartz (we made a prince/princess hand puppet kiss while we did the same).

I only saw a few pictures while we took them, and they were so cute.  Nikki basically let me take any picture I wanted, so we got the ones of us kissing while a train zoomed by behind us, dipping in the subway, dancing outside, our feet while we kissed (mine on tip toes), a pinkie promise, etc.  I hope she gets them to me soon because I'm itching to see them!
Some of my inspiration pictures:
This post is short & sweet, but I'm excited so I had to write it!

We booked our e-pics!  We'll be heading to New York City on September 24th to take our pics!  I'm so super excited and so happy that Nicole is shooting them.

Also, it's September today!  That means this month we'll hit the one year mark!

Lots of exciting-ness to be excited about!  Woot!
One of my newest must takes for our e-session
Hurricane Irene has come and gone.  We got a lot of rain and some wind, but no serious damage was done to our house or property, so that's a plus.  It's now sunny and mild outside- the birds are chirping.  We spent most of the day with no power, but it's back on now and you'd never guess a hurricane rolled through.

Unfortunately, our meeting with our potential photographer tonite was canceled because NJ was in a state of emergency this weekend.  We canceled on Friday because all the exits were closed and there was no way we'd make it.  So, we're rescheduling for September 4 and hopefully this time there are no problems.

On other news, I got in touch with Nicole about our e-pics.  Nicole is my brother's girlfriend (maybe soon-to-be fiancee- I have the feeling he's gonna pop the question soon!).  She majored in film and minored in photography and takes awesome photos.  She's never done an e-session, so she wants to do a test-run at Valley Forge or Green Lane before heading up to NYC for the actual shots because she wants to make sure we'll be happy with her work.  I'm sure we will be, but if it will make her more comfortable, I'm happy to do a preliminary shoot.

Finally, I was offered a job at my internship!  My job now is at a water ice store and we're closing on the 18th.  So, after the 18th I'll be paid part time (because my internship hours can't be paid).  Any hours I do after the 24 required weekly by my internship will be paid, and then when my internship ends (December 6) they want me on full-time.  I am so excited/relieved.  I was so stressed out about finding another job when Rita's closes, and now I'm not anymore.  AND I don't even have to worry about the post-graduation job search because I already got one!

Anyway, that's all I have for now :)