So I know I haven't written in awhile, but it's not for lack of things to say.  I have been SO busy and haven't had much time for anything NWR.  When I do have a few precious minutes of not wedding planning or working, I don't want to spend them writing about wedding planning.  Haha- I am all planned out!!  Now I feel like I can write some stuff, so I'm going to :)

On August 5th I had my bridal shower.  It was amazing- beyond my expectations.  It was a Paris theme and I loved it.  There was a great mix of friends and family and I was SO nervous but had no reason to be.  My mum, FMIL, and bridesmaids did a great job.  We got some great gifts and everyone had a lovely afternoon.
My bridesmaids and I. My MOH was unable to make it because she lives in Georgia and her first day of school (she's a teacher) was the following day.
My beautiful mum & I
My fabulous ribbon hat
Most of the lovely ladies who came out for my shower
We've also checked A LOT off our lists.  There is still quite a bit to go, but it's definitely do-able.  We bought the lanterns for our cocktail hour centerpieces, confirmed the reception set-up with our DJ (and made most of our playlist, just need to confirm a few little details with Fi).  We cancelled the Vieques leg of our stay in PR and extended the time in San Juan because of the hassle (ie- ferry times being unreliable, rental cars not being allowed to leave the main island, no full moon = no biobay, etc.).  We also went to Lowe's and bought the wood, paint, and nails to make our table numbers, as well as dowels and wood to make the base for our stacked paper lanterns for beside the bar.

Our RSVP deadline was today as well.  We are still waiting to hear back from 26 people, but we are officially below our max amount, so I am thrilled.  We are giving the mail until the end of the week to come in (we figure there will be a few stragglers) and then we'll start calling around on Monday.  If everyone else says yes (and there are a few we're expecting to say no), then we'll have 96 guests.  The smaller, the better, I like to say :)

We also made our final payment to the WCC today, which feels REALLY good.  We are really coming along!!

On Thursday we go to apply for our marriage license, which I am SUPER excited for.  Mostly because it means we get to go to the beach!  We haven't been AT ALL this summer because of work, and we're using all of our time off for the wedding and honeymoon :(  Which will be awesome then... but sucks a lot right now.

Finally, we took my engagement ring to be re-dipped.  I want it to be nice and sparkly for pictures!  They should all be back on the 28th, but I won't be wearing my e-ring again until the wedding weekend.  We engraved our rings, too.  His will say, "Big Spoon" and mine will say, "Little Spoon."  I am in love :)

So lately I've been having wedding nightmares.  Most of the time it's about me showing up and nothing has been done.  Like it's suddenly the day of our wedding and I'm there but nothing is right, or nothing is there.

Most recently the whole day was wrong.  I didn't have flowers and FFIL had to go buy random ones at the grocery store and my bouquet was only a few stems while my girls had huge arrangements.  I wasn't dressed and everyone was arriving and I was standing outside and everyone saw me getting into my dress.  My BM's were late arriving because they had no idea what time the wedding was.  Etc. etc. etc.  I wonder if it's normal to have dreams like that, or if it means I'm a bridezilla and need to let someone else have a little bit of control over some of this day.

I'm sure the nightmares will abound tonite because I had a theme change scare earlier this evening.  I am obsessed with Alice in Wonderland.  Everyone who knows me knows it.  I'm in a sorority and my paddle my big made me is Alice.  I could teach a class or write a book on Alice philosophy.  So tonite I get this idea in my head that I want an Alice wedding.  And oy vey did it get out of control fast.  It started with cute ideas like "drink me" tea bag favors and "open me" envelope seals for our invites, but quickly escalated to our groomsmen wearing top hats and having a croquet game set up outside.  I got it out of my system then took a step back and decided it would get overly corny way too fast.  Maybe I can convince whoever throws my shower to have a Very Merry Unbridal Shower and let me plan it.

Sometimes I wish it was next year at this time.  While I know I'll be way more stressed out, the wedding will also be closer and I'll at least know all the major details (venue, vendors, date, time, etc.) have been taken care of.